Just My Opinion...

Welcome Aboard!

This is officially my first blog and I welcome you into the world of my thoughts and opinions. I believe that we are in this to share. Feel free to let me know your thoughts and feelings. Here there are no right or wrong answers or thoughts, just different opinions.

"If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader."

- John Quincy Adams

Sunday, May 22, 2011

MHRM 6100.Week 3

There is a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with the completion of each week, as I approach the half way mark I find myself and my virtual team to be in the same place as week one, the forming stage as described by Chaneski. In my opinion, we are all still working towards getting to know each other as well as learn and understand not only the course and program, but also each other.

Anderson describes the ‘forming’ stage of the Tuckman Model as being “Polite, Guarded and Business-Like (Anderson).” At this point in the course I feel as though I am epitomizing these three traits or characteristics as well as my class/teammates. It is my hope that as we progress further in the course we will skip the storming phase and move right along to the norming stage. Unfortunately, that is not likely to happen and although people often times avoid conflicts and disappointments these things are necessary in order to grow both personally and professionally.

In order for my virtual team to reach the storming stage, I believe that we would have to be placed in an organized team project that requires each member to participate on a high level and be graded accordingly. In a situation such as this one every team member is expected to pull his or her own weight and sustain the success of the team. An individual falling behind could and would affect the overall performance of the team; this is when confrontation and conflict would arise.

Hopefully we will continue to get to know each other, learn, and progress in our course without having to deal with high levels of conflict and stress. Happy blogging, until next time… Evette

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